The Embassy Church is delighted that you have decided to connect and be in covenant with us.  Now that you are convinced and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, the next step is to commit and be in covenant with a body of Believers with a Pastor who will help you grow, learn and draw closer to God in your daily walk.

If your desire is to be in covenant with The Embassy Church family, please take a moment to submit the membership application below.

Welcome to our Family!


Membership Information

SECTION 1: General Information


GETTING CONNECTED:  You will be contacted to schedule your New Member Orientation Classes called “IGNITE” in order to begin to grow, expand and learn what we believe here at The Embassy Church along with understanding our Vision and Mission.  We are very strong on making disciples so that you are anchored in God’s Word for your life.

**Children 18 and older must complete a separate Discipleship/ Membership Application Form**

SECTION II: Children’s Information (Ages 0-17)

Child #1

Child #2

The Embassy Church